About Be the Healing, Inc.
​Based on the groundbreaking community-driven scholarship of our Executive Director, Dr. Joy
DeGruy, author of Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America's Legacy of Enduring Injury and
Healing, Be the Healing, Inc. is an international leader in the healing movement focused on
supporting African American community healing initiatives. Our work explores the intersection
of racism, trauma, violence, and American chattel slavery. We are committed to addressing
intergenerational/historical trauma, mental health, and social justice through improvement
strategies and evidence-based model development.
Be the Healing, Inc. is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization leading critical community
healing and wellness work throughout the United States, Canada, and Africa. We work
parallel to, yet separate from, Joy DeGruy Publications and its for-profit emphasis on
professional development coursework and community education.​

The Be the Healing Mission
​We promote healing, prevent injury, and safeguard and preserve the dignity and nobility of all by educating communities, nurturing relationships, and empowering future generations.
Our Vision
We imagine the possibility of positive, transformational change resulting in informed, enlightened, vibrant, and flourishing Communities. We envision the acceptance of “race” as a Social Construct and racism as a persistent problem in need of remedy so that the Oneness of Humanity is recognized.
Core Values
We value all of Humanity and:
Unity in Diversity including diversity of Thought, Temperament and Character.
Truthfulness as the foundation of all human virtues.
Justice as the highest standard for the promotion of equity and equality.
Respect for individuals, families, and communities.
Relationships as the fundamental requirement for joy and happiness.