“Healing begins by telling the truth.”
We believe that "truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues." The Be the Healing Movement aims at guiding us toward unlocking our own truths by critically evaluating history, medicine, science, education, etc. We share strategies for healing by encouraging participants to discover their own voices.

Our Blueprint for Community Healing
This initiative is designed specifically to bring about racial equity and remedy the ills that have plagued North America and its institutions for centuries. Partners across North America are working together to integrate services that will be utilized as a mechanism for change at the individual, community and institutional levels.
This innovative approach is a transformative model for community restoration, repair and healing; addressing the historical harm and trauma of racism and colonization.
The Be the Healing Movement is informed by the research of Dr. Joy DeGruy in her seminal book Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing.
We aim to equip communities with strategies for healing and addressing racism.
The Components of Healing
Social-Emotional Development
Instilling positive self-concepts and self-awareness; healing from the effects of multigenerational trauma and preventing future traumas
Spiritual Health
Expanding our understanding of who we are as human/spiritual beings. Having an inner sense/consciousness of the intrinsic value of ourselves and our environment
Education & Knowledge
Promoting knowledge and understanding through independent investigation and the application of Truth and Justice
Restorative Justice
Encouraging cooperation through collaborative efforts aimed at reconciliation and repair. Promoting our collective well-being and commitments through trust, mutual support, truth-telling, justice and community sufficiency.

Mitigating the Impact of Trauma
Learning how to cope with and address trauma
Recognizing potential trauma and traumatic events
Shielding oneself and others from trauma
Assessing the positive and negative impacts of social media
Identifying and Moderating the negative aspects of social media
Creating tools that promote and emphasize cooperation and compassion over competition
Addressing the Mental, Emotional, Material and Physical Progress of Communities
Recognizing the vestiges of past historical trauma
Understanding the multi-generational aspects of trauma
The role of epigenetics in addressing trauma
Unpacking the impact of white supremacy and privilege
Addressing Anti-Blackness as a systemic and global problem